Crystals have been enchanting the lives of millions of people for thousands of years. These stunning rocks are one of nature’s most prized possessions, and we go above and beyond to unearth them. Whether you are enticed by their mysticism and interested in the metaphysical properties of the stones or simply enjoy the beauty they provide, learn all about the history, science and myths surrounding gemstones, how to identify them and how to harness their ancient wisdom in order to enrich your everyday life.
Discovering CRYSTALS • How and why crystals have fascinated us for centuries
How Crystals WORK • What can crystals do for us? Quite a lot, as it turns out…
Types of CRYSTAL • Crystals come in all shapes and sizes, from their atomic structure to the way they are cut and carved, each crystal form unlocks a variety of properties and energies
CRYSTAL SHAPES • How a crystal is cut and polished (or not) can help to unlock its power
How to choose YOUR CRYSTALS • Where to find crystals and how to decide which ones to buy
How to care FOR YOUR CRYSTALS • To get the best results from your crystals, you will need to cleanse and charge them!
CRYSTAL Gridding • Learn how to bring a new depth to your relationship with crystals by combining their energy with powerful sacred geometry in the form of crystal grids
Essential Crystals FOR YOUR COLLECTION • These crystals are the ideal tools for those starting out on their journey into a word of natural healing
AN INTRODUCTION TO CRYSTAL Healing • Discover how the use of crystal healing has grown over the centuries, how to practise it and the impact it has on body and soul
Chakras THE ESSENTIAL GUIDE • Everything you need to know about the body’s energy centres and what to do when they become disconnected
How To Heal WITH CRYSTALS • Now you are acquainted with crystals and their healing powers, it’s time to put their therapeutic energies into practice
USING A CRYSTAL WAND • Crystal wands are an essential tool for anyone who is serious about healing with crystals
CRYSTALS FOR Your Health • Discover the best crystals for improving your health and wellbeing, whatever your issue may be
Displaying YOUR CRYSTALS • Crystals not only fill your house with positive energy, but with a bit of thought they can add a unique decorative touch, too
DISPLAYING INSPIRATION • When it comes to displaying your crystals, you can make the most of their aesthetic qualities while enhancing their beneficial powers
AN INTRODUCTION TO FENG SHUI • Feng shui is all about enhancing your life by placing objects in your home in a way that encourages positive energy flow, which can become even more beneficial when teamed with crystals
A CRYSTAL FOR EVERY ROOM • Crystals are as beautiful as they are powerful, but choosing specific pieces for certain rooms can really make the best of your home
Protecting YOUR HOME • Our home is our sanctuary, and crystal energy can help create a place where we are safe, protected and relaxed
Crystals for FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS • The crystals you bring into your home will promote health, wellness and harmony for all of your loved ones.
LIVING WITH Crystals • People are often unsure as to how they might incorporate crystals into their lives, but once you start you’ll wonder how you ever managed to live without them!
CRYSTALS FOR Self-Care • Can crystals jumpstart your sex life, give you great skin and make you feel a million dollars? The following practices, often rooted in increasing...