The human body is beautiful, complex and utterly unique, with no single figure the same as another. This individuality is what makes drawing the human form so tricky – there are very few certainties or rules when it comes to drawing people. However, bringing the figure to life involves more than just re-creating what you see in front of you; it’s essential to understand the body and what lies beneath it. In Paint & Draw: Anatomy, find out how to draw from life successfully, from simple warm-ups to get your creative juices flowing, to in-depth tutorials on different areas of the human body. Discover how to realistically sketch some of the most complicated parts of the figure, including the head and the hands, and learn how to bring it all together to illustrate the entire figure.
Welcome to Paint & Draw ANATOMY
Paint & Draw: Anatomy
THE REBIRTH OF ANATOMICAL ART • Renaissance artists rediscovered and refined classical techniques for depicting the human figure both accurately and beautifully, explains APRIL MADDEN
Showing life with the dead layer • Some surprising colour choices can lead to realistic and beautiful effects
Mannerism maketh man • Extending and exaggerating features can be a useful compositional technique for guiding the viewer’s focus
The anatomy, morals and the Church • One artist found a way around the cadaver ban
The marble myth • Classical sculpture didn’t look quite how you might expect
UNDERSTANDING THE HUMAN FORM • There’s more to life drawing than re-creating what you see in front of you. PHILIP TYLER explores the inner workings of the human body to inform your sketches
DRAW WHAT YOU SEE • Learning to truly see the human figure is an art in itself. Here, PHILIP TYLER explores the techniques you can use to look objectively at the human form
GET STARTED IN PENCIL DRAWING • JAKE SPICER explores simple techniques for improving your lines
ANATOMY MASTERCLASS • GLENN VILPPU shows how focusing on action and making use of the ‘icons’ of basic rendering are the keys to creating expressive anatomy
DRAW A FIGURE IN UNDER 3 MINUTES • Practising with quick, short poses will help you draw better and more consistent figures from life or observation says CHRIS LEGASPI
MASTER WORKING WITH NEGATIVE SPACE • JAKE SPICER shows how to use simple shapes and negative space to draw a hand
THE HEAD • LANCELOT RICHARDSON details a process for drawing the head, including from different angles, and how to draw the features
NECK AND SHOULDERS • LANCELOT RICHARDSON demonstrates drawing the shoulders and neck, showing how form and anatomy can be used to show volume
THE TORSO • LANCELOT RICHARDSON looks at how to draw the torso with an emphasis on using anatomy to support gesture and structure
HIPS, BOTTOM AND GENITALS • The pelvic region poses several challenges in terms of structure and rendering surface features. Here, LANCELOT RICHARDSON explains how to overcome these
THE ARMS • Getting proportions right can be hard. LANCELOT RICHARDSON explores the anatomy of the arm and offers his tips on drawing subtle features
THE HANDS • LANCELOT RICHARDSON introduces how to draw hands, looking at the gestural behaviour and ways to express complex details
THE LEGS • The legs might seem boring, but LANCELOT RICHARDSON explains how you can bring these overlooked limbs to life
THE FEET • You only need simple three-dimensional construction to tackle this complex area of the body, says LANCELOT RICHARDSON
THE WHOLE FIGURE • Apply fundamental observational drawing methods to address common challenges when drawing the complete figure, says LANCELOT RICHARDSON