In every issue you will get 9+ brand new quilt patterns for quilts of all sizes and skill levels. We also give you a bonus download with three quilts that follow the popular red-and-white quilt trend! AND, when you subscribe, you will get the digital version of the current issue so you can start enjoying all the great tips and tricks.
Bold is Beautiful!
inspirations • Let’s take a peek at some large-scale fabric lines you'll be seeing in quilting stores soon.
sew to speak
Reflections of Love • Quilt designed and made by Karla Kiefner.
Scrappy Braid • Quilt designed and made by Ramona Sorensen.
Designer Q&A • A Conversation with Lisa Shepard Stewart
Terrace Garden • Quilt designed and made by Ramona Sorensen.
Stars by Day • Quilt designed and made by Bev Getschel. Machine quilted by Lynette Gelling.
Fussy Cutting • Your Favorite Fabrics
Cirque de Fleurel • Quilt designed and made by Patti Carey.
Lava Lamps • Quilt designed and made by Toby Lischko.
Instagram Influencers • Quilters you should follow!
Sweet Starbursts • Quilt designed and made by Paula Stoddard.
Moose Be Quilting Part Four • Quilt designed and made by Scott Flanagan.
Posies and Polka Dots • Quilt designed and made by Sue Pawlowski.
Free-motion Quilting Mastery • Design tips and motifs to practice for beginning longarmers
Floral Wonders • Quilt designed and made by Claudia Porter. Quilted by Melinda Keppler of ScottieBelle Designs
Crazy for Dresdens • Quilt designed and made by Gina Gempesaw.
Stars Connected • Quilt designed and made by Terri Vanden Bosch.
Addicted to Scraps
basic lessons