Prima delivers real life guidance, inspiration & ideas to simplify the lives of modern woman today. In Prima Magazine there is something for everyone - advice on how to look and feel your best, time and money saving solutions, quick and easy food, beautiful homes and gardens, and above all everything you need to get the most out of life. Prima addresses the emotional needs of everyday women, covering issues relevant to every life stage, through shared experiences and real life inspiration and advice. Its tone is supportive, warm, helpful and fun, with a positive approach to life and a modern point of view.
Brilliant YOU!
prima loves • Get ready to spring into spring with these pretty pastel treats
‘My job is not just about cooking, it’s about BREAKING BARRIERS’ • Chef, author and The Great British Bake Off star Nadiya Hussain tells Christobel Hastings about her shock health diagnosis, breaking stereotypes and finding freedom at 40
Divine denım • Update the hardest-working area of your wardrobe with our pick of the latest shapes and styles to see you into spring and beyond
In your DREAMS • Welcome to the edit of our favourite stay-at-home styles. Pyjama days have never looked so good
Modern METALS • It’s all about cool, clean lines and a sculptural edge when it comes to this season’s jewellery
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I WALKED across Britain IN MUM’S MEMORY • Harriet Thomas, 61, discovered the benefits nature had on her mother, who was suffering from dementia – and it spurred her on to take up the biggest challenge of all
‘It’s taken me A LIFETIME, but I finally LOVE MY BODY’ • At 64, Astrid Longhurst from Co Kerry, Ireland, has been on a long journey to look in the mirror and be proud of who she sees. Here she shares her extraordinary story and offers advice to help us all gain body confidence, too…
LEARN TO LOVE YOUR BODY FOR EVERYTHING IT DOES FOR YOU! • Astrid, founder of the Institute for Body Confidence Coaching, gives her top tips
Surprising ways to MAKE MONEY when you stop working • Whether it’s to give our bank balance a boost or simply to keep busy, more and more of us are finding inventive, and low-stress, ways to bring in extra cash
Meet our short story competition WINNER! • The results of our short story competition are now in! We present the winning entry, judged by bestselling author Elly Griffiths and Prima editor-in-chief Jo Checkley
Beyond the VEIL
‘YOU WERE 16, FACING DEATH. How could you have been so brave?’ • Alex Eades, 65, from Brighton endured the worst experience a mother could ever go through when she lost her teenage daughter, Charlotte, to brain cancer. Then came a diagnosis that brought all those memories flooding back…
Save our hedgehogs! • These prickly creatures are seriously under threat. Here’s how you can help…
Stop asking me for feedback! • Writer Terry Tavner wonders, is she the only one who’s fed up with the never-ending stream of emails and text messages incessantly asking what she thinks?\
‘I never dreamed I’D SHOW A DOG AT CRUFTS’ • When Debbie Phillips, 58, from Wrexham, Wales, faced a major health setback, she discovered a new passion
THE FUTURE IS BRIGHTER than you think! • If looking ahead can sometimes fill you with a sense of doom and gloom, don’t worry! Meet the experts who are confident that things can only get better – with a bit of help from tech
GABY’S POWER OF 3 • TV and radio presenter Gaby Roslin on her top three things of the month to do, enjoy and celebrate…
Ask Prima • Our experts have all the answers to your questions and queries, so go ahead and ask us anything…
Your good health • Feel your best...